Simpremise.png Charactersetup.png Citystate.png Howtojoin.png Rpcss.png

June 1, 2021: North versus South, the war for Western Arcovia.
Changes: Sim Layout, City-States, RPCSS Factions, and Storyline. Read More

News and Rumors

From The Citadel

Revision as of 22:12, 23 February 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs) (February, 2021)

Event Calender

Monday, March 1st Noon SLT
Opening Day
Wednesday, March 3rd, 5 pm SLT
Arcovia Guild Announcement
Thursday, March 4th, 9 pm SLT
Mead Hall Opening (Talazira/Nna/Adnamanna#1743)
Saturday, March 6th, 4 pm SLT
Opening Ball
Saturday, Marth 14th, 4 pm SLT
Northern Folk Moot (Branwyn Emerald)
Saturday, March 20th, All Day
Spring Equinox Festival
Saturday, March 27th
Weapons Free wrestling/martial arts tournament (Sean)

February, 2021

Opening Weekend (2/23/21)

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their interest in Arcovia and joining us both here, on sim and in the SL group. Given the current progression of joins I am expecting this coming weekend to be very hectic.

To be frank I did not staff enough people to handle the potential influx. Consequently, I am going to ask everyone to help make this process as smooth as possible for new players. If you are able and willing greet new players, talk to them about faction ideas, encourage them, offer tours and try and help them connect with others. Many of you have experience as staff and admins on other RP sims and know what to do, I hope you'll reach out and assist here.

As we settled, and there is enough oxygen to go around I will look to hire more staff.

Thank you everyone for understanding. Branwyn, Bane and Torolf and the rest of the Arcovia Staff.

Status Update (2/20/21)

I know that many of us are waiting until opening day to know what our RPCSS role will be, and for some that stalls any early role-play. However, its perfectly acceptable to keep your role "secret" until such time as we have actual roles assigned.

Consequently, I both give permission and encourage you to set up role-play encounters with others on sim before we open. Most visitors in non-medieval clothing run through quickly and are easy enough to ignore.

Call it an unofficial soft open as of today if you like.

Hud Testing

There is a new TESTING Hud
  1. Please delete all previous copies of the hud that you have.
  2. The new Hud is available from the same box at the landing that you got the prior one.
  3. Touch the box, not buy contents!
What has changed
  1. Your Display name and HP's show over your head.
  2. The dice use the account name not the display name so it no longer errors out on weird characters.
  3. Using /4 you can type with your character name as a chat overide.
  4. /4 afk will toggle on and off afk so you can not be attacked if afk.

This Hud attaches on click, and will deattach when you leave the sim, so you will need to re-click the box on entry again if you wish to continue testing.

HP regeneration and attack delays are still set for testing durations.

Duwick, Raa’Edan (2/11/21)

House Triarius welcomes nobles and citizens alike to the opening of their newly cleaned bathhouse

House Triarius understands that many nobles and citizens have unfortunately been affected by the temporary closing of the bathhouse in the Al'Shardar district. To apologize for this inconvenience, House Triarius has graciously opened the doors to the baths with flourish.

Please join us for a night of exotic food, the very best wine the Arcovia District has and the newly cleaned and sanitary baths.

As a special treat, Fade's Fabulous Pharmaceuticals has offered free oil sampling and perfume to the first 30 citizens. Friday 6PM (SLT) Al'Shardar district.

Dormice stuffed with honey, walnuts and poppy seeds (limit 4 per customer)
Goat milk cheese with an assortment of nuts, pork and bread
Garum sauce (fish gut sauce) with tender new apples and honey
Plum wine and House wine (dark and oaky)

Priwick, Raa’Edan (2/7/21)

We are on schedule. The sim build is 98% complete, the lore is complete, character bios are being submitted, and even some role-play is happening on sim. Right now we are just waiting on the Hud for testing, which we expect to have this week. We are go for March 1st! The sim will be opening on Noon SLT March 1st which is when the factions will be formed and faction roles are chosen.

The pre-opening faction leads will get 24 hour advanced opportunity to pick which of the four roles in their faction that they wish. All other roles will be on a first come first serve basis at Noon SLT on March 1st. If you are looking to have a lead role as head agent to the diplomat, warlord, spymaster or coinmaster, you will want to be on sim to pick up the hud and set up your profile.

January, 2021

Octwick, Al-Sargas (1/26/21)

Just a quick status update for everyone. Of the five districts, all of them have been started and layed out, of those three still need to be finalized with deco; Suttenborg, Chayuan and the Crossroads. Suttenborg has had a recent revamp as we didn't like the back end of the district and have rebuilt it. So the building is totally on schedule for March 1st. Thank you Torolf, Raven and Panda for all their help and support.

We have all but one faction lead, and the others have been doing an amazing job of knocking out the recent Timeline. Thank you guys and gals and gxxs! Bane has implemented the new Essealas map into RPCSS and has moved onto the account and promotion system. The timing on having RPCSS and the Hud totally ready for March 1st is tight, but we are hopeful.

I have some more work to do on the NPCS for each city state, as well as some wiki work on the RPCSS manual, but I am on schedule. I will probably send out another newsletter on Friday and hope to catch a few more past Comraich Players.

Faction Starters

I am looking for a handful of players to participate as early RPCSS faction leaders for the city-states. The job is much like a normal faction lead, but I'm looking for players with experience in RPCSS to do play testing before we open. This play testing will be used to establish "a current politics" debrief at the time of go life. The role will involve communicating with other faction starters, establishing RP reactions and submitting actions via RPCSS. If you are interested, please contact Branwyn.Emerald for more details.

Quadwick, Al-Sargas (1/8/21)

We have set up the landing zone on the production sim, as well as having two of the builds; Thanhold (Nordic) and Carthage (Roman/Arabic) finished and usable for casual role-play. We are hosting an Ur Tournament and the occasional tavern night between now and opening. Please stop by, grab a group invite and consider your new character.

December, 2020

Development begins

December 19
A few of the city-states have been written, and the layout of both the northern and citadel districts of the city have been tossed around.


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