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June 1, 2021: North versus South, the war for Western Arcovia.
Changes: Sim Layout, City-States, RPCSS Factions, and Storyline. Read More

Recruit Spy (RPCSS)

From The Citadel

You may recruit 1 spy per turn for a maximum number equal to your court level. The spy is not available for use until after end of turn. The spies/agents recruited in the game have no relation to players in world. The agents represent spy networks not individuals.

  • Costs 1 gold.
  • You can only have 1 spy per court level, to a maximum of 10.
  • You can only issue one recruit spy per turn.
How To
  1. Select Spy Master from the left hand menu bar.
  2. Select Recruit Agent from New Action.
  3. Click the Submit button.
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